Friday, April 13, 2007

I’ve been pretty dry on the dating front but feel the need to do some blogging so here I am. March and April were pretty hectic months. As you all know, my computer broke in February and I have yet to replace it. It is definitely killing my internet dating game. I bring the laptop home from work every now again but it’s not the same. My setup pipeline dried out because the chicks never got back to me. Oh well. All I can do is send out the signal, and if nothing comes back that’s that.

I also fucked up knee pretty bad last month. It was all black and blue and I was hobbling around for almost a month. It’s almost back to normal. With the whole knee thing I have been unable to get to the gym much which sucks. On top of it all, I have been on and off sick for almost three weeks now. I spent the last couple of weekends in Atlantic City and Las Vegas. That was pretty fun but did not help the cause.

This weekend I plan to take it easy and kick this bug finally. Next week hopefully my knee is better, and I can hit the gym again which will give me the energy I have been lacking. After that I plan to kick-start the internet dating game into high gear. It’s almost spring time and that mean all the chickies are going to be popping out of the woodwork. We had a glimpse of spring in late March and that was great. All the NYC hotties were out and about. I even walked home two days in a row with my gimp leg. A bigger incentive to get back in the game, is I have two weddings this summer, and am dire need of “+1 action.” I don’t know how I feel about going stag to a wedding at the ripe old age of 27. So the game plan is to hit the motherload,! Hopefully, that will bring some action my way, if not at least some good stories for you guys.

Ok that being said, I will do a little rant and rave on the subject of the “Ex.” My ex-girlfriend is in town and wants to meet up. We broke up a little less than a year ago and she moved away to California. Our breakup was better than most but still no walk in the park. The best part being she was far far away. At any rate, I am over it. I don’t love her, I don’t hate her, and but at the same time I do not care for her all that much. All the traits I used to find endearing are kind of annoying. The fact of the matter is we would not be in touch at all if she did not keep on calling me. When we do talk, it is all bullshit small talk, and most of the talking is on her end of the line. The whole thing is suspect as she has a new man friend. If he was so great why would she be calling me? I know if I was with someone I probably wouldn’t even pick up the phone.

I asked three friends for advice on the subject, and got very different responses. Redford said she is in touch with me because she wants to F##k (atleast subconsciously), and I should go out and get drunk with her and try to get her to s##k my c##k. Sad to say, this is probably about the only thing I would enjoy doing with her. I just am not that interested in what she has to say anymore, and ass is ass, and we had good times in that sense. While this is tempting, it is easier said than done. Chances are I could make an ass out of myself. It is not my style, to do this or at least plan to do that.

I asked two girl friends for perspective on the situation. Trish seems to think it is an ego booster event for her, something to make her feel better about herself. I don’t quite get it but I do understand. In a sense, I am like a security net or back up man presence for her? Trish seems to think if I wanted to play her game I should not even call back, and that would really piss her off. My other source of advice Sara Gordon, had a middle of the road stance, “If you want to do it, do it.” This is intuitive advice but not very helpful.

Where do I stand? I am somewhere in the middle of the extremes. To be honest, I think it may be a waste of time. We will make some small talk and maybe we will hash some bullshit we dealt with in the end. There is wildcard factor, that makes me inclined to such a meeting, and that’s curiosity. Wise man once say: “Curiosity killed the cat.” So that’s not a good reason to go meet her. The whole thing is just a headache about shit I haven't thought about in a long time and don't really want to be thinking about. Thus far I have pretty much blown the whole thing off. I never contacted her, and when she did call me, I didn’t pick up, or left a message saying I wasn’t feeling well or busy. The window is closing and I haven’t heard from her so I think I am in the clear. So that’s that. If the status changes I will sure to let you know.

Hopefully, the next blog will be a real story not some venting BS. Talk you soon…