Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Mother knows best...

Sorry folks again I have been out of the loop again for over a month. No doubt readership is down, but I got some dates in the pipeline. Even better I went out on a date tonight. I'll give you some prep before I get into the meat and potatoes, as it may be better than the date itself. Not that the date was bad but it was not ideal for reasons I will get into later. So heres the scoop. My mother hooked my up with these digits. I told all these black, and spanish guys I work with at my side job about it and they said, "Damn! Your moms is cool!" but for some reason I didn't feel so cool. Its got to be that whole "Jewish mom prying in your life," thing. It will take years of therapy for that to go away. Alas these days I will take a lead from anyone. You never know where you will meet the girl of your dreams. Back a couple of years ago I even got hooked up with a girl through my grandma!

The turnaround was pretty quick actually. Mom mentioned this girl a few times so when she finally got around to sending me the info I jumped on it in fact I had some stock email saved from the last time I tried to iniate contact with a girl through the friend of the family. Naturally I tweaked it to encompass what I know about this chick, and let her know a little bit about who I was. So this girl is a med student. That alone is pretty impressive. I don't too many doctors-in-training amongst my college friends. She went to Columbia undergrand and NYU med. Now thats borderline intimidating. And on to the details I am not so thrilled about: shes from Jericho, Long Island. When I hear this I think jappy LI bitch. Ugh. The truth is this thought was a vaguary in the back of mind. Not all of that shit is true. Anyways, this girl is pretty turbo. She didn't email me back. She called and within one day of the email I sent her.

I called her back a couple of days later, and we had a fairly typical first date call. Essentially that first call is the first date. If you can go 30 minutes or so talking out of your ass you are usually good to go. Depending on how conversationally limber she is this is not always possible. I, naturally, am a pro. We talked for maybe 30-40 minutes about this and that. Conversation eventually hit dating, and oops... I let my blogging adventures slip again but I think she understood because she had been on so many bad dates herself. I told her I wouldn't write about her though. What I really meant was I would never let her read my blog EVER, even if we are sleeping together in a few weeks. So push comes to shove and we are going on a date a week later, as in tonight.

I didn't put too much forethought into this one. Earlier in my blogging adventures I planned out elaborate dates to realize I didn't like them at the end. Nowadays I like to wing it. All I need is a few drinks with someone to know if they are worth hanging with. That was the game plan, but last minute Ms. Med-Student let me know she had homework to do later in the evening and work at the hospital in the morning, so I had to just jump in the fire so to speak. I had an hour after work to pick a restaurant and grab a drink... in the pouring rain. Needless to say I changed my mind, texted her the 2nd choice (to the wrong person), and forgot where the second choice was so we ended going to a third place. The third choice was Dos Molinos, a mexican joint on 18th St.

She showed up on time. She was actually really cute. In this case mom came through big time. She was also very smart, and seemed pretty down to earth for someone who was from Jericho, LI. Dinner conversation was not so bad. It was a little awkward I must admit. Alcohol is a great social lubricant. The goose on the rocks I had prior was for sure was jiving with the Dos Equis I ordered during dinner but all she had was a coke :(. We talked about a bunch of random shit including and not limited to med school, my job, the working world, and dating. Towards the end of the date we delved into my passion for books, broccoli, and beards. She probably had her fill of the Z right around then. The salsa there was extremely spicy. I was sweating profusely, blowing my nose for a bit. I drank my beer and all the water, and couldn't even finish my food. Aside from that I think things went pretty well.

I offered her dessert and coffee but she told me she had to get back home to read about Intestinal Colitis. If thats not a turn off I don't know what is. It must be hard for med students to meet people with the heavy workloads, and awkward yet demanding schedules. I think she was happy just to get out to dinner. I have mixed feelings about this one. I think I need a few more dates to decide how I feel but if she isn't interested I won't lose sleep over it...

Check back for more soon!!