Friday, August 17, 2007

So yesterday I was pretty fired up. I had three potential dates in the pipe: two Match ladies, and the setup I already fucked up once. I actually got her number from my friend but when I called I learned from her voicemail that she is on vacation. That will go back to the backburner. I also had a call with one of the Match girls setting up a date for next week. The phone conversation was probably the single worst phone conversation I have ever had with a girl, and not by my fault. First off, she cut right to the chase, making plans for next week. Usually I like to talk about stuff, anything and talk about going out at the end. It was totally awkward talking about stuff after making the plans. Furthermore, she repeatedly cut me off while I was talking, and would ramble on and then cut herself off. She even started telling me what a bad “phone conversationalist” she is. I was nice and told her she was fine but this is not a good sign for things to come.

Last night I went out with the other Match chick. I had exchanged emails with her earlier in the summer, and she kind of disappeared, and now recently reappeared. She seemed interesting on the phone aside from her “Valley Girl” voice. She grew up as an expat in Saudi Arabia, and is an artist and nanny. Her pictures seemed cute. She met me across the street from my building. It was dark out and did not get a good view until I was up close. Maybe if I saw her beforehand I would have turned around and went back upstairs. I got there to find she was a 5’0 chubbo troll!!! I did recognize the girl from the pictures hidden somewhere beneath the fat. It sucks to be that short the extra layers bunch up quick. I am being a little harsh. She was cute in the face but buttery and pudgy in appearance. My first instinct was to walk away, but I am too nice. I decided it couldn’t hurt to get a few drinks. We went to get a few drinks and bullshitted about this and that. I actually thought she was pretty cool but then I would look at her mid-section and limbs and be turned off. I had three drinks and called it a night. Enjoyable conversation but I will most likely never call her again.

In one night, my outlook for the coming week has been significantly downgraded. This wacky phone girl should be a pretty interesting story. And I guess we will see what happens with the setup fuckup…


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