Thursday, August 24, 2006

Greetings friends,

Tell one, tell all. Tell your mothers, your brothers, your sisters. Tell your mother’s brother’s sister for all I care. Just don’t tell my mom or dad. They might be happy for me and give me the fucking 20 questions ordeal every week. BUT ALAS, after a long hiatus I am ready to blog again. My first blog as you can remember was about how much I hated my old job intertwined with some of my zany adventures. My new blog will have a new completely different theme. Dating. Shitty job is pretty funny, but me out with a different chick every week… That has the potential for a sitcom!!

Why dating you may all be asking yourselves? As some you may know I am recently single. I am not doing this to fill the void or to get some ass. Though both of these things may happen, I am doing this because I can and I want to. I’ve never been a Rico Suave or Don Juan but I too want to date a bunch of different women. All different races, shapes, and sizes. Variety is the spice of life. I want to go on 50 first dates, not like that stupid movie, but 50 different real dates. I want to go out with a JAP (Jewish American Princess) on Friday and a JAP (Japanese) on Saturday!!

Though I am not in a serious relationship life is pretty good these days. I have a good job, and great friends and family supporting me, and I live in the greatest city in the world. There’s all this cool shit I want to do in this city and I have no one to do it with so I am going to go out and find some people. There are people out there who are date-a-holics, active daters, etc, and I just want to see what that’s like. I want to meet some new people, some Ms. Wrongs, and maybe Mrs. Right. I’m just out to have some fun. Maybe I will refine what little game I have. Maybe I'll develop some. The “no game” game or WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) has worked thus far but maybe old dogs can learn some new tricks.

I kind of already put the wheels in motion. Most of this I wrote a few weeks ago. First I started with the method that requires the least effort. The internet. Some people may frown upon this but screw them. It’s the year 2006. Get with the program. There is a super large dating pool of women I have never met that I can access with ease at my finger tips. Everyone knows it's tough meeting people out at in the real world, and most real connections are made through friends of friends. For now, I have exhausted that. So I’m cool with the internet, but if you guys know any singles looking to meet new people send ‘em my way. I am the super-dater. Well I will be. So anyways, Being the lazy jew that I am I started with the free shit like Craigslist and MySpace. Shit was ghetto. I MySpaced with a girl for a bit and it turns out she was on my kickball team, and there are no attractive girls on my kickball team. Now I can’t even go to kickball. Craiglist is even worse. It’s like going fishing without bait. From what I gather it's all creeps sending chicks pictures of their wangs anyways.

So I will now treat with a little known story. This probably belongs on my old blog but it somehow never made it on there. One day a year or two ago at my old job, I was so bored at work I went on Craigslist with the sole intention of meeting a girl. I found some ad for a jewish girl who wanted to meet a jewish guy and chat online. So we talked for a few days while I was at work. Then we talked on the phone for a bit. It’s always a little exciting in the beginning. The nervous energy could be intoxicating. Anyways we decided we should meet. We setup a code. We met for a drink and we if we liked each other we would go out for dinner. Well we met and she was nothing to write home to mom about. She had “more to love” if you know what I am saying. But we had a few drinks and chatted. She was real smart, and became a lawyer at 25. After about 2 martinis I was like WTF lets do it, and I asked her to dinner. We went out to dinner, had a pretty nice time, and made out for a little bit after. A few weeks later we a had 2nd date and hooked up again. By that time it was clear that we weren’t on the same page. I am a spur of the moment type guy and she was a plan in advance type gal. We tried to make plans and it never happened. Eventually I just ceased trying to get in touch. So… I did it once and that means I am capable of doing it again.

So two days ago I plunked down 35 bones and joined JDate. The quality of women skyrocketed compared to CL and MySpace. Well MySpace has a lot of interesting and attractive chicks but it’s more of a people watching thing for me, as most people aren’t necessarily looking to meet people through that venue just more so reconnect with old people, and see all weirdos that are around. So after toying with this JooDate site for a combined maybe 3 hours I have 3 dates, and 2-3 chicks that want to talk and get to know me better, possibly date, etc. I even offended someone already. It’s ok though. She’s a republican. Plus she was sitting there talking to me with two of her right wing cronies. What a dork! We got to talking about the war in Iraq, and she told me had friends out there. I told her I felt sorry for them, and the conversation was over! In retrospect, I think I should have tried first. At this point, in my life I am not really looking to meet someone to settle down with, so I don’t know why I started with the nice jewish chicks that would please my parents. Now is when I can sample a variety of different ethnicities and backgrounds. Next month is month if I don’t meet someone I am interested in spending more time with, and after that it’s!

I just want to make one disclaimer before I embark on my adventure. I am not at all trying to objectify women here. Nor I am I looking to write steamy sex reports. I’m just looking to meet some people and have some fun and report funny stories or not so funny if that’s the case. And maybe I will inspire some of my readers. If I can make the women of the world know that there are still some fun and cool guys out there and get some men to put themselves out there when the otherwise wouldn’t have, than I will feel successful even if my adventures in dating are a disaster.

So come aboard and stumble and bumble with me as I enter the dating fray. This weekend the adventure starts. Feel free to make comments, suggestions for dates, or introductions to new lady friends.



**Comments from original blog site**

jz said...
Like I have said a thousand times...I think you should become a freelance writer. You have inspired me if I don’t come home with a Croatian lover (which would really please Mom & Dad) when I get back from vacation…no more procrastinating I will give jdate a shot as well. The Zomick’s will be in the dating pool.
1:27 PM

Dustin said...
You are too funny man. I knew there was a reason you skipped out on kickball - Dustin


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